

  Glossary of Transportation Terms

A  -  B  -  C  -  D  -  E  -  F  -  G  -  H  -  I  -  J  -  K  -  L  -  N  -  O  -  P  -  Q  -  R  -  S  -  T  -  U  -  V  -  W  -  X,Y,Z



A wood or fiber cover placed around such containers as cans and bottles.

Jacob's Ladder

A rope ladder suspended from the side of a vessel and used for boarding.


Act of throwing cargo or equipment (jetsam) overboard when a ship is in danger.


Abbreviation for "Just In Time." In this method of inventory control, warehousing is minimal or non-existent; the container is the movable warehouse and must arrive "just in time;" not too early nor too late.

Joint Rate

A rate applicable from a point on one transportation line to a point on another line, made by agreement and published in a single tariff by all transportation lines over which the rate applies.

The Jones Act

The 1920 Jones Act requires that maritime commerce within the U.S. must be limited to U.S. flagships that are built in U.S. shipyards, owned and operated by U.S. citizens, and to have an American crew.

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